Monday, August 27, 2007

In the country

We recently got back from spending a week with my in-laws who live in the moutains of NC. Ian and I were there from Monday through Friday and Buck met us there Friday night. We left for home on Monday.

We had lots of adventures while we were there.
We had a picnic at a table with my initials carved in it:

We fed the fish at Cherokee Lake and posed for pictures, we crossed the bridge and then climed down into the dam and traversed across barefoot by jumping from rock to rock, we went to Santa's Land, we saw "Robot Pengiuns" (according to Ian), we panned fer gold and gems, we went swimming, we (Buck and I) visited Rome, Georgia, we saw a movie, we spent lots of time in the sand box and the boat, we ate good food, played with animals, had good conversations with family, and had a great visit. Phew, we were busy and now I am tired!

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